Personal Computer World 2009 February
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Python Compiled Bytecode
943 lines
# Source Generated with Decompyle++
# File: in.pyo (Python 2.5)
__all__ = [
import heapq
def _calculate_ratio(matches, length):
if length:
return 2 * matches / length
return 1
class SequenceMatcher:
def __init__(self, isjunk = None, a = '', b = ''):
self.isjunk = isjunk
self.a = None
self.b = None
self.set_seqs(a, b)
def set_seqs(self, a, b):
def set_seq1(self, a):
if a is self.a:
return None
self.a = a
self.matching_blocks = None
self.opcodes = None
def set_seq2(self, b):
if b is self.b:
return None
self.b = b
self.matching_blocks = None
self.opcodes = None
self.fullbcount = None
def __chain_b(self):
b = self.b
n = len(b)
self.b2j = b2j = { }
populardict = { }
for i, elt in enumerate(b):
if elt in b2j:
indices = b2j[elt]
if n >= 200 and len(indices) * 100 > n:
populardict[elt] = 1
del indices[:]
len(indices) * 100 > n
b2j[elt] = [
for elt in populardict:
del b2j[elt]
isjunk = self.isjunk
junkdict = { }
if isjunk:
for d in (populardict, b2j):
for elt in d.keys():
if isjunk(elt):
junkdict[elt] = 1
del d[elt]
self.isbjunk = junkdict.has_key
self.isbpopular = populardict.has_key
def find_longest_match(self, alo, ahi, blo, bhi):
(a, b, b2j, isbjunk) = (self.a, self.b, self.b2j, self.isbjunk)
besti = alo
bestj = blo
bestsize = 0
j2len = { }
nothing = []
for i in xrange(alo, ahi):
j2lenget = j2len.get
newj2len = { }
for j in b2j.get(a[i], nothing):
if j < blo:
if j >= bhi:
k = newj2len[j] = j2lenget(j - 1, 0) + 1
if k > bestsize:
besti = (i - k) + 1
bestj = (j - k) + 1
bestsize = k
j2len = newj2len
while besti > alo and bestj > blo and not isbjunk(b[bestj - 1]) and a[besti - 1] == b[bestj - 1]:
besti = besti - 1
bestj = bestj - 1
bestsize = bestsize + 1
while besti + bestsize < ahi and bestj + bestsize < bhi and not isbjunk(b[bestj + bestsize]) and a[besti + bestsize] == b[bestj + bestsize]:
bestsize += 1
while besti > alo and bestj > blo and isbjunk(b[bestj - 1]) and a[besti - 1] == b[bestj - 1]:
besti = besti - 1
bestj = bestj - 1
bestsize = bestsize + 1
while besti + bestsize < ahi and bestj + bestsize < bhi and isbjunk(b[bestj + bestsize]) and a[besti + bestsize] == b[bestj + bestsize]:
bestsize = bestsize + 1
return (besti, bestj, bestsize)
def get_matching_blocks(self):
if self.matching_blocks is not None:
return self.matching_blocks
la = len(self.a)
lb = len(self.b)
queue = [
(0, la, 0, lb)]
matching_blocks = []
while queue:
(alo, ahi, blo, bhi) = queue.pop()
(i, j, k) = x = self.find_longest_match(alo, ahi, blo, bhi)
if k:
if alo < i and blo < j:
queue.append((alo, i, blo, j))
if i + k < ahi and j + k < bhi:
queue.append((i + k, ahi, j + k, bhi))
j + k < bhi
i1 = j1 = k1 = 0
non_adjacent = []
for i2, j2, k2 in matching_blocks:
if i1 + k1 == i2 and j1 + k1 == j2:
k1 += k2
if k1:
non_adjacent.append((i1, j1, k1))
i1 = i2
j1 = j2
k1 = k2
if k1:
non_adjacent.append((i1, j1, k1))
non_adjacent.append((la, lb, 0))
self.matching_blocks = non_adjacent
return self.matching_blocks
def get_opcodes(self):
if self.opcodes is not None:
return self.opcodes
i = j = 0
self.opcodes = answer = []
for ai, bj, size in self.get_matching_blocks():
tag = ''
if i < ai and j < bj:
tag = 'replace'
elif i < ai:
tag = 'delete'
elif j < bj:
tag = 'insert'
if tag:
answer.append((tag, i, ai, j, bj))
i = ai + size
j = bj + size
if size:
answer.append(('equal', ai, i, bj, j))
return answer
def get_grouped_opcodes(self, n = 3):
codes = self.get_opcodes()
if not codes:
codes = [
('equal', 0, 1, 0, 1)]
if codes[0][0] == 'equal':
(tag, i1, i2, j1, j2) = codes[0]
codes[0] = (tag, max(i1, i2 - n), i2, max(j1, j2 - n), j2)
if codes[-1][0] == 'equal':
(tag, i1, i2, j1, j2) = codes[-1]
codes[-1] = (tag, i1, min(i2, i1 + n), j1, min(j2, j1 + n))
nn = n + n
group = []
for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in codes:
if tag == 'equal' and i2 - i1 > nn:
group.append((tag, i1, min(i2, i1 + n), j1, min(j2, j1 + n)))
yield group
group = []
i1 = max(i1, i2 - n)
j1 = max(j1, j2 - n)
group.append((tag, i1, i2, j1, j2))
if group:
if len(group) == 1:
if not (group[0][0] == 'equal'):
yield group
def ratio(self):
matches = reduce((lambda sum, triple: sum + triple[-1]), self.get_matching_blocks(), 0)
return _calculate_ratio(matches, len(self.a) + len(self.b))
def quick_ratio(self):
if self.fullbcount is None:
self.fullbcount = fullbcount = { }
for elt in self.b:
fullbcount[elt] = fullbcount.get(elt, 0) + 1
fullbcount = self.fullbcount
avail = { }
availhas = avail.has_key
matches = 0
for elt in self.a:
if availhas(elt):
numb = avail[elt]
numb = fullbcount.get(elt, 0)
avail[elt] = numb - 1
if numb > 0:
matches = matches + 1
return _calculate_ratio(matches, len(self.a) + len(self.b))
def real_quick_ratio(self):
la = len(self.a)
lb = len(self.b)
return _calculate_ratio(min(la, lb), la + lb)
def get_close_matches(word, possibilities, n = 3, cutoff = 0.6):
if not n > 0:
raise ValueError('n must be > 0: %r' % (n,))
if cutoff <= cutoff:
elif not cutoff <= 1:
raise ValueError('cutoff must be in [0.0, 1.0]: %r' % (cutoff,))
result = []
s = SequenceMatcher()
for x in possibilities:
if s.real_quick_ratio() >= cutoff and s.quick_ratio() >= cutoff and s.ratio() >= cutoff:
result.append((s.ratio(), x))
result = heapq.nlargest(n, result)
return [ x for score, x in result ]
def _count_leading(line, ch):
i = 0
n = len(line)
while i < n and line[i] == ch:
i += 1
return i
class Differ:
def __init__(self, linejunk = None, charjunk = None):
self.linejunk = linejunk
self.charjunk = charjunk
def compare(self, a, b):
cruncher = SequenceMatcher(self.linejunk, a, b)
for tag, alo, ahi, blo, bhi in cruncher.get_opcodes():
if tag == 'replace':
g = self._fancy_replace(a, alo, ahi, b, blo, bhi)
elif tag == 'delete':
g = self._dump('-', a, alo, ahi)
elif tag == 'insert':
g = self._dump('+', b, blo, bhi)
elif tag == 'equal':
g = self._dump(' ', a, alo, ahi)
raise ValueError, 'unknown tag %r' % (tag,)
for line in g:
yield line
def _dump(self, tag, x, lo, hi):
for i in xrange(lo, hi):
yield '%s %s' % (tag, x[i])
def _plain_replace(self, a, alo, ahi, b, blo, bhi):
if bhi - blo < ahi - alo:
first = self._dump('+', b, blo, bhi)
second = self._dump('-', a, alo, ahi)
first = self._dump('-', a, alo, ahi)
second = self._dump('+', b, blo, bhi)
for g in (first, second):
for line in g:
yield line
def _fancy_replace(self, a, alo, ahi, b, blo, bhi):
(best_ratio, cutoff) = (0.74, 0.75)
cruncher = SequenceMatcher(self.charjunk)
(eqi, eqj) = (None, None)
for j in xrange(blo, bhi):
bj = b[j]
for i in xrange(alo, ahi):
ai = a[i]
if ai == bj:
if eqi is None:
eqi = i
eqj = j
if cruncher.real_quick_ratio() > best_ratio and cruncher.quick_ratio() > best_ratio and cruncher.ratio() > best_ratio:
best_ratio = cruncher.ratio()
best_i = i
best_j = j
if best_ratio < cutoff:
if eqi is None:
for line in self._plain_replace(a, alo, ahi, b, blo, bhi):
yield line
return None
best_i = eqi
best_j = eqj
best_ratio = 1
eqi = None
for line in self._fancy_helper(a, alo, best_i, b, blo, best_j):
yield line
aelt = a[best_i]
belt = b[best_j]
if eqi is None:
atags = btags = ''
cruncher.set_seqs(aelt, belt)
for tag, ai1, ai2, bj1, bj2 in cruncher.get_opcodes():
la = ai2 - ai1
lb = bj2 - bj1
if tag == 'replace':
atags += '^' * la
btags += '^' * lb
if tag == 'delete':
atags += '-' * la
if tag == 'insert':
btags += '+' * lb
if tag == 'equal':
atags += ' ' * la
btags += ' ' * lb
raise ValueError, 'unknown tag %r' % (tag,)
for line in self._qformat(aelt, belt, atags, btags):
yield line
yield ' ' + aelt
for line in self._fancy_helper(a, best_i + 1, ahi, b, best_j + 1, bhi):
yield line
def _fancy_helper(self, a, alo, ahi, b, blo, bhi):
g = []
if alo < ahi:
if blo < bhi:
g = self._fancy_replace(a, alo, ahi, b, blo, bhi)
g = self._dump('-', a, alo, ahi)
elif blo < bhi:
g = self._dump('+', b, blo, bhi)
for line in g:
yield line
def _qformat(self, aline, bline, atags, btags):
common = min(_count_leading(aline, '\t'), _count_leading(bline, '\t'))
common = min(common, _count_leading(atags[:common], ' '))
atags = atags[common:].rstrip()
btags = btags[common:].rstrip()
yield '- ' + aline
if atags:
yield '? %s%s\n' % ('\t' * common, atags)
yield '+ ' + bline
if btags:
yield '? %s%s\n' % ('\t' * common, btags)
import re
def IS_LINE_JUNK(line, pat = re.compile('\\s*#?\\s*$').match):
return pat(line) is not None
def IS_CHARACTER_JUNK(ch, ws = ' \t'):
return ch in ws
def unified_diff(a, b, fromfile = '', tofile = '', fromfiledate = '', tofiledate = '', n = 3, lineterm = '\n'):
started = False
for group in SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).get_grouped_opcodes(n):
if not started:
yield '--- %s %s%s' % (fromfile, fromfiledate, lineterm)
yield '+++ %s %s%s' % (tofile, tofiledate, lineterm)
started = True
(i1, i2, j1, j2) = (group[0][1], group[-1][2], group[0][3], group[-1][4])
yield '@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@%s' % (i1 + 1, i2 - i1, j1 + 1, j2 - j1, lineterm)
for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in group:
if tag == 'equal':
for line in a[i1:i2]:
yield ' ' + line
if tag == 'replace' or tag == 'delete':
for line in a[i1:i2]:
yield '-' + line
if tag == 'replace' or tag == 'insert':
for line in b[j1:j2]:
yield '+' + line
def context_diff(a, b, fromfile = '', tofile = '', fromfiledate = '', tofiledate = '', n = 3, lineterm = '\n'):
started = False
prefixmap = {
'insert': '+ ',
'delete': '- ',
'replace': '! ',
'equal': ' ' }
for group in SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).get_grouped_opcodes(n):
if not started:
yield '*** %s %s%s' % (fromfile, fromfiledate, lineterm)
yield '--- %s %s%s' % (tofile, tofiledate, lineterm)
started = True
yield '***************%s' % (lineterm,)
if group[-1][2] - group[0][1] >= 2:
yield '*** %d,%d ****%s' % (group[0][1] + 1, group[-1][2], lineterm)
yield '*** %d ****%s' % (group[-1][2], lineterm)
visiblechanges = _[1]
if visiblechanges:
for tag, i1, i2, _, _ in group:
if tag != 'insert':
for line in a[i1:i2]:
yield prefixmap[tag] + line
if group[-1][4] - group[0][3] >= 2:
yield '--- %d,%d ----%s' % (group[0][3] + 1, group[-1][4], lineterm)
yield '--- %d ----%s' % (group[-1][4], lineterm)
visiblechanges = _[2]
if visiblechanges:
for tag, _, _, j1, j2 in group:
if tag != 'delete':
for line in b[j1:j2]:
yield prefixmap[tag] + line
def ndiff(a, b, linejunk = None, charjunk = IS_CHARACTER_JUNK):
return Differ(linejunk, charjunk).compare(a, b)
def _mdiff(fromlines, tolines, context = None, linejunk = None, charjunk = IS_CHARACTER_JUNK):
import re as re
change_re = re.compile('(\\++|\\-+|\\^+)')
diff_lines_iterator = ndiff(fromlines, tolines, linejunk, charjunk)
def _make_line(lines, format_key, side, num_lines = ([
num_lines[side] += 1
if format_key is None:
return (num_lines[side], lines.pop(0)[2:])
if format_key == '?':
text = lines.pop(0)
markers = lines.pop(0)
sub_info = []
def record_sub_info(match_object, sub_info = sub_info):
return match_object.group(1)
change_re.sub(record_sub_info, markers)
for begin, end in sub_info[::-1]:
text = text[0:begin] + '\x00' + key + text[begin:end] + '\x01' + text[end:]
text = text[2:]
text = lines.pop(0)[2:]
if not text:
text = ' '
text = '\x00' + format_key + text + '\x01'
return (num_lines[side], text)
def _line_iterator():
lines = []
(num_blanks_pending, num_blanks_to_yield) = (0, 0)
for line in lines:
s = _[1](_[1][line[0]])
if s.startswith('X'):
num_blanks_to_yield = num_blanks_pending
elif s.startswith('-?+?'):
yield (_make_line(lines, '?', 0), _make_line(lines, '?', 1), True)
elif s.startswith('--++'):
num_blanks_pending -= 1
yield (_make_line(lines, '-', 0), None, True)
elif s.startswith(('--?+', '--+', '- ')):
from_line = _make_line(lines, '-', 0)
to_line = None
num_blanks_to_yield = num_blanks_pending - 1
num_blanks_pending = 0
elif s.startswith('-+?'):
yield (_make_line(lines, None, 0), _make_line(lines, '?', 1), True)
elif s.startswith('-?+'):
yield (_make_line(lines, '?', 0), _make_line(lines, None, 1), True)
elif s.startswith('-'):
num_blanks_pending -= 1
yield (_make_line(lines, '-', 0), None, True)
elif s.startswith('+--'):
num_blanks_pending += 1
yield (None, _make_line(lines, '+', 1), True)
elif s.startswith(('+ ', '+-')):
from_line = None
to_line = _make_line(lines, '+', 1)
num_blanks_to_yield = num_blanks_pending + 1
num_blanks_pending = 0
elif s.startswith('+'):
num_blanks_pending += 1
yield (None, _make_line(lines, '+', 1), True)
elif s.startswith(' '):
yield (_make_line(lines[:], None, 0), _make_line(lines, None, 1), False)
while num_blanks_to_yield < 0:
num_blanks_to_yield += 1
yield (None, ('', '\n'), True)
while num_blanks_to_yield > 0:
num_blanks_to_yield -= 1
yield (('', '\n'), None, True)
if s.startswith('X'):
raise StopIteration
yield (from_line, to_line, True)
def _line_pair_iterator():
line_iterator = _line_iterator()
fromlines = []
tolines = []
while True:
while len(fromlines) == 0 or len(tolines) == 0:
(from_line, to_line, found_diff) = line_iterator.next()
if from_line is not None:
fromlines.append((from_line, found_diff))
if to_line is not None:
tolines.append((to_line, found_diff))
(from_line, fromDiff) = fromlines.pop(0)
(to_line, to_diff) = tolines.pop(0)
if not fromDiff:
yield (from_line, to_line, to_diff)
line_pair_iterator = _line_pair_iterator()
if context is None:
while True:
yield line_pair_iterator.next()
((None, None),)
context += 1
lines_to_write = 0
while True:
index = 0
contextLines = [
None] * context
found_diff = False
while found_diff is False:
(from_line, to_line, found_diff) = line_pair_iterator.next()
i = index % context
contextLines[i] = (from_line, to_line, found_diff)
index += 1
((None, None),)
if index > context:
yield (None, None, None)
lines_to_write = context
lines_to_write = index
index = 0
while lines_to_write:
i = index % context
index += 1
yield contextLines[i]
lines_to_write -= 1
lines_to_write = context - 1
while lines_to_write:
(from_line, to_line, found_diff) = line_pair_iterator.next()
if found_diff:
lines_to_write = context - 1
lines_to_write -= 1
yield (from_line, to_line, found_diff)
_file_template = '\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"\n "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">\n\n<html>\n\n<head>\n <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"\n content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />\n <title></title>\n <style type="text/css">%(styles)s\n </style>\n</head>\n\n<body>\n %(table)s%(legend)s\n</body>\n\n</html>'
_styles = '\n table.diff {font-family:Courier; border:medium;}\n .diff_header {background-color:#e0e0e0}\n td.diff_header {text-align:right}\n .diff_next {background-color:#c0c0c0}\n .diff_add {background-color:#aaffaa}\n .diff_chg {background-color:#ffff77}\n .diff_sub {background-color:#ffaaaa}'
_table_template = '\n <table class="diff" id="difflib_chg_%(prefix)s_top"\n cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" rules="groups" >\n <colgroup></colgroup> <colgroup></colgroup> <colgroup></colgroup>\n <colgroup></colgroup> <colgroup></colgroup> <colgroup></colgroup>\n %(header_row)s\n <tbody>\n%(data_rows)s </tbody>\n </table>'
_legend = '\n <table class="diff" summary="Legends">\n <tr> <th colspan="2"> Legends </th> </tr>\n <tr> <td> <table border="" summary="Colors">\n <tr><th> Colors </th> </tr>\n <tr><td class="diff_add"> Added </td></tr>\n <tr><td class="diff_chg">Changed</td> </tr>\n <tr><td class="diff_sub">Deleted</td> </tr>\n </table></td>\n <td> <table border="" summary="Links">\n <tr><th colspan="2"> Links </th> </tr>\n <tr><td>(f)irst change</td> </tr>\n <tr><td>(n)ext change</td> </tr>\n <tr><td>(t)op</td> </tr>\n </table></td> </tr>\n </table>'
class HtmlDiff(object):
_file_template = _file_template
_styles = _styles
_table_template = _table_template
_legend = _legend
_default_prefix = 0
def __init__(self, tabsize = 8, wrapcolumn = None, linejunk = None, charjunk = IS_CHARACTER_JUNK):
self._tabsize = tabsize
self._wrapcolumn = wrapcolumn
self._linejunk = linejunk
self._charjunk = charjunk
def make_file(self, fromlines, tolines, fromdesc = '', todesc = '', context = False, numlines = 5):
return self._file_template % dict(styles = self._styles, legend = self._legend, table = self.make_table(fromlines, tolines, fromdesc, todesc, context = context, numlines = numlines))
def _tab_newline_replace(self, fromlines, tolines):
def expand_tabs(line):
line = line.replace(' ', '\x00')
line = line.expandtabs(self._tabsize)
line = line.replace(' ', '\t')
return line.replace('\x00', ' ').rstrip('\n')
fromlines = [ expand_tabs(line) for line in fromlines ]
tolines = [ expand_tabs(line) for line in tolines ]
return (fromlines, tolines)
def _split_line(self, data_list, line_num, text):
if not line_num:
data_list.append((line_num, text))
return None
size = len(text)
max = self._wrapcolumn
if size <= max or size - text.count('\x00') * 3 <= max:
data_list.append((line_num, text))
return None
i = 0
n = 0
mark = ''
while n < max and i < size:
if text[i] == '\x00':
i += 1
mark = text[i]
i += 1
if text[i] == '\x01':
i += 1
mark = ''
i += 1
n += 1
line1 = text[:i]
line2 = text[i:]
if mark:
line1 = line1 + '\x01'
line2 = '\x00' + mark + line2
data_list.append((line_num, line1))
self._split_line(data_list, '>', line2)
def _line_wrapper(self, diffs):
for fromdata, todata, flag in diffs:
if flag is None:
yield (fromdata, todata, flag)
(fromline, fromtext) = fromdata
(toline, totext) = todata
fromlist = []
tolist = []
self._split_line(fromlist, fromline, fromtext)
self._split_line(tolist, toline, totext)
while fromlist or tolist:
if fromlist:
fromdata = fromlist.pop(0)
fromdata = ('', ' ')
if tolist:
todata = tolist.pop(0)
todata = ('', ' ')
yield (fromdata, todata, flag)
def _collect_lines(self, diffs):
fromlist = []
tolist = []
flaglist = []
for fromdata, todata, flag in diffs:
fromlist.append(self._format_line(0, flag, *fromdata))
tolist.append(self._format_line(1, flag, *todata))
except TypeError:
return (fromlist, tolist, flaglist)
def _format_line(self, side, flag, linenum, text):
linenum = '%d' % linenum
id = ' id="%s%s"' % (self._prefix[side], linenum)
except TypeError:
id = ''
text = text.replace('&', '&').replace('>', '>').replace('<', '<')
text = text.replace(' ', ' ').rstrip()
return '<td class="diff_header"%s>%s</td><td nowrap="nowrap">%s</td>' % (id, linenum, text)
def _make_prefix(self):
fromprefix = 'from%d_' % HtmlDiff._default_prefix
toprefix = 'to%d_' % HtmlDiff._default_prefix
HtmlDiff._default_prefix += 1
self._prefix = [
def _convert_flags(self, fromlist, tolist, flaglist, context, numlines):
toprefix = self._prefix[1]
next_id = [
''] * len(flaglist)
next_href = [
''] * len(flaglist)
num_chg = 0
in_change = False
last = 0
for i, flag in enumerate(flaglist):
if flag:
if not in_change:
in_change = True
last = i
i = max([
i - numlines])
next_id[i] = ' id="difflib_chg_%s_%d"' % (toprefix, num_chg)
num_chg += 1
next_href[last] = '<a href="#difflib_chg_%s_%d">n</a>' % (toprefix, num_chg)
in_change = False
if not flaglist:
flaglist = [
next_id = [
next_href = [
last = 0
if context:
fromlist = [
'<td></td><td> No Differences Found </td>']
tolist = fromlist
fromlist = tolist = [
'<td></td><td> Empty File </td>']
if not flaglist[0]:
next_href[0] = '<a href="#difflib_chg_%s_0">f</a>' % toprefix
next_href[last] = '<a href="#difflib_chg_%s_top">t</a>' % toprefix
return (fromlist, tolist, flaglist, next_href, next_id)
def make_table(self, fromlines, tolines, fromdesc = '', todesc = '', context = False, numlines = 5):
(fromlines, tolines) = self._tab_newline_replace(fromlines, tolines)
if context:
context_lines = numlines
context_lines = None
diffs = _mdiff(fromlines, tolines, context_lines, linejunk = self._linejunk, charjunk = self._charjunk)
if self._wrapcolumn:
diffs = self._line_wrapper(diffs)
(fromlist, tolist, flaglist) = self._collect_lines(diffs)
(fromlist, tolist, flaglist, next_href, next_id) = self._convert_flags(fromlist, tolist, flaglist, context, numlines)
s = []
fmt = ' <tr><td class="diff_next"%s>%s</td>%s' + '<td class="diff_next">%s</td>%s</tr>\n'
for i in range(len(flaglist)):
if flaglist[i] is None:
if i > 0:
s.append(' </tbody> \n <tbody>\n')
i > 0
s.append(fmt % (next_id[i], next_href[i], fromlist[i], next_href[i], tolist[i]))
if fromdesc or todesc:
header_row = '<thead><tr>%s%s%s%s</tr></thead>' % ('<th class="diff_next"><br /></th>', '<th colspan="2" class="diff_header">%s</th>' % fromdesc, '<th class="diff_next"><br /></th>', '<th colspan="2" class="diff_header">%s</th>' % todesc)
header_row = ''
table = self._table_template % dict(data_rows = ''.join(s), header_row = header_row, prefix = self._prefix[1])
return table.replace('\x00+', '<span class="diff_add">').replace('\x00-', '<span class="diff_sub">').replace('\x00^', '<span class="diff_chg">').replace('\x01', '</span>').replace('\t', ' ')
del re
def restore(delta, which):
tag = {
1: '- ',
2: '+ ' }[int(which)]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError, 'unknown delta choice (must be 1 or 2): %r' % which
prefixes = (' ', tag)
for line in delta:
if line[:2] in prefixes:
yield line[2:]
def _test():
import doctest as doctest
import difflib as difflib
return doctest.testmod(difflib)
if __name__ == '__main__':